Awesome Saltwater Fish Species

Two False Percula Clownfish

February 3, 2022

A saltwater fish, also known as marine fish, can be found in the ocean waters. They are able to survive in the very salty water due to their kidneys being able to process and balance out the salts in their own bodies.

Let’s dive right into some of the awesome saltwater fishes you can add to your own aquarium today!

In This Blog We Cover

1. Flame Angel Fish

This is one fish which you can’t miss in any aquarium. With its vibrant red/orange scales and blue tips on its fins, this saltwater fish is sure to stand out from the crowd.

It isn’t just nice to look at though, and they are very adaptable and can acclimatise to new habitats very quickly – meaning being homed in a fish tank is not difficult for them. This makes them a great inclusion for anybody who is just starting out their saltwater aquarium.

Angel fish are omnivores, and they can feed off live rock and algae growth. Due to these fishes being constant grazers, it means that the tank will remain clean and free of algae all year round.

An important thing to note, however, is to be careful when you are choosing what to pair your Angel Fish with as these fish cannot be fully trusted with invertebrate’s as they are known to have a nip at these. They love to eat frozen shrimp, marine algae, and spirulina.

Within their tank, they need to have plenty of hiding spots and their tank needs to be at least 30 gallons if there are live rocks in it, or 100 gallons if there is coral in there.

This colourful fish will brighten up your tank and keep it clean too!

2. False Percula Clownfish

You may know this fish better as Nemo or Marlin. That’s right, the two very famous Disney characters are False Percula Clownfish.

The True and False Percula Clownfish are extremely similar in looks.  However, the True Clownfish has jet black lines splitting the orange up from the white bars. Whereas, the False Clownfish has thinner black lines surrounding the white bars or sometimes no black at all.

When you are choosing friends for your Clownfish, you can choose the True Clownfish as they share very similar traits and behaviours. But it is best that you only have one pair of these as they can become territorial and aggressive.

If you have a smaller tank, then don’t worry!

A False Clownfish doesn’t require lots of space so they will manage even if it is a smaller living area. But the smaller the tank, the less water there is which means fish waste can take over pretty quickly compared to a larger tank.

So, if you are a beginner, it may be easier to own a slightly larger tank as less monitoring is required.

3. Butterfly Fish

Butterfly fish are some of the most mesmerising species in the saltwater kingdom, with their delicate patterns. It is recorded that there are at least 114 different species of the Butterfly Fish out there.

Butterfly fish are usually lone swimmers until they come across their partner. Once they have found their partner, they stay with them for life and just have that one mating partner.

Unlike the Clownfish, these require a big tank which holds a minimum of 75 gallons and other require as much as 150 gallons.

They need plenty of space to swim around and explore. By not offering them enough space, this can be detrimental to their overall health.

Always offer plenty of hiding places for them and we recommend that you keep them in a fish-only tank. They can also have live rocks within their tank. They can eat mysid shrimp and crustaceans.

4. Pink Spotted Watchman Goby

If you have one of these Pink Spotted Watchman Goby’s in your tank, you may want to invest in a very secure lid as they like to turn into Houdini and jump out of the tank with any given opportunity.

Whilst this colourful fish is not known to be aggressive to other fish, they can show territorial behaviour to the same species unless they are mating partners.

For a happy Goby, offer them at least a 30-gallon aquarium with lots of loose coral and sand so they can hide away. To keep them happy and healthy, feed them things like table shrimp, vitamin enriched brine shrimp, and Mysis shrimp.

These fishes will be sure to brighten up your tank and make it easy to care for.

5. Six Line Wrasse

This will be a radiant addition to your saltwater aquarium which can be easy to keep once you get to know and understand them. However, they can be extremely difficult to breed from.

This saltwater fish is not like the rest of these as they can be quite aggressive towards certain invertebrate fishes such as live clams and snails. As well as these, they can show hostile behaviour towards smaller and quieter wrasses.

Although the above points may make them sound difficult to own, they are actually quite simple once they have been introduced to their new home and tank friends.

6. Banggai Cardinalfish

We thought we would save the most obscure saltwater fish out of the list till last. The Banggai Cardinalfish has a silver body with black stripes running vertical across their body. Unfortunately, this species is extremely close to being put on the endangered list.

A fun fact about this species is the male will suck up to 40 eggs into his mouth whilst they incubate for around one month. It is believed that during this time the male Cardinalfish does not eat.

If you introduce this fish to your aquarium, you will be introducing a peaceful species which are relatively easy to take care of. They can eat live food, brine shrimps, and saltwater pellets.

Whether you are a budding enthusiast who would like to start their very own saltwater aquarium, or you are a seasonal pro who is looking to add to their collection. We hope this has helped you choose which ones to have and a little bit more about each awesome and unique species.

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