Most dog owners will give their dog some of their own food as a little treat. Every now and again shouldn’t hurt, right?
But are you aware of exactly what you are feeding your dog and if they should be having that type of food? Is it going to be detrimental to their health?
In this blog we hope to give you an insight on what you can feed your furry best friend and keeping their health a top priority.
In This Blog:
What Can My Dog Eat?
There are many types of food what we eat and enjoy. Some of these you can share with your pooch. But as with everything, there is a limit on how much you can give your dog and specific types of the products.
Fruit And Vegetables
So, let’s start with the healthy things like fruit and vegetables. You may be surprised in how many different types of fruit and vegetables are safe to give your four-legged friend.
But not only are they safe, they have many benefits to contribute to your dog’s health. How good is that?
Full of magnesium and the key to your dog’s bone health, bananas are a good choice.
However, due to the sugar content in them, they should only be an occasional treat and certainly not fed daily.
Be careful about feeding the peel, as although it’s not toxic, they may struggle to digest it and it may blockages making them unwell.
Apples will offer your dog a great amount of vitamins A and C as well as fibre too. These are great because they are low in protein and fat which are perfect for your senior dogs.
Don’t feed them the core or pips as it can be difficult for them to chew and if swallowed, they can choke or cause internal blockages.
One or two slices of apple is enough to keep your pooch happy and content.
Melons can be a great alternative for your dog instead of treats if they are overweight. They have a high-water content, so they are great in summer to keep your pup hydrated as well as cool.
They are full of vitamins and minerals as well as being a great source of antioxidants.
Don’t feed them the rind as this can be difficult to digest and can cause issues internally. A quarter to a half of a melon is usually enough.
Fruit With Pits In (Mangoes, Peaches, Plums)
Mangoes, peaches, and plums are all safe for your dog and are full of vitamins.
Providing you have taken the skin off the mango and removed the pit out of the fruit. Feed these fruits in moderation.
Fruit with pits in can be extremely dangerous to your dog. They are toxic, but also if swallowed, it can cause choking or an internal blockage.
This vegetable has many beneficial factors for your dog’s health. They are very high in fibre and vitamin A, but they are low calorie. This makes them a perfect snack.
Also, crunching on a carrot will be great for their teeth and fun!
This vegetable has been described as one of the best vegetables to feed to your dog.
It’s low in calories, but with a mild and appealing flavour. It’s also full of fibre, which can help aid weight loss if your dog has become slightly overweight.
We recommend, that although this is a great vegetable to feed as an alternative to treats, do so in moderation and only a small serving a few times a week.
Animal Products
Whilst our dogs are carnivores and love their meat, we still need to consider what types of animal products they can safely eat.
Cooked Lean Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, or Turkey
When you are feeding any types of meat to your dog, make sure it is cooked properly, the salt content is minimal, and there is no seasoning on it. Also ensure that the meat’s in date and unspoiled.
You want to feed 2-4% of their body weight when you are feeding them meat to prevent overfeeding. Their daily portion needs splitting into one morning and one evening feed.
Cooked Salmon
This can be a great treat for your dog with key advantages. Salmon is a great source for Omega-3 which will help the immune system whilst giving your dog a shiny and healthy coat. You can add salmon to your dog’s meals in moderation.
Your dog may eat up to 10g of Salmon for every 450g they weigh.
Cooked Eggs
Eggs must always be cooked with no seasonings prior to feeding. They are a good source of protein.
Gradually introduce eggs to their diet whichever way you may wish for them to eat egg. Be aware that too many eggs in a day can increase the chances of weight gain due to the amount of protein.
1 egg per day is recommended and source your eggs from a local farmer, so you know that they have not been chemically treated.
Nuts And Sweets
We love sweet products, and I am sure our dogs do too. But what sweet things are safe to feed our dog?
This can be safe for dogs to eat in a small quantity due to the high calorie content which is in it. 1 teaspoon of honey a day is what they can receive as a treat.
Keep in mind that you should not feed honey to a puppy or any dog with a compromised immune system.
Peanut Butter
Dogs love peanut butter. So, it is good to know that they are safe to eat it. But not every jar of peanut butter is safe!
Check the ingredients and look out for it containing xylitol as this is toxic to dogs.
When you are feeding your dog peanut butter, you don’t want to give a smaller breed no more than half a teaspoon a day. Larger breeds of dogs may have up to one table spoon a day.
Peanut butter is a great treat to use for training as they love the taste so much. You can use it as a distraction or to keep them entertained.
Starches And Grains
If you dog is having stomach problems, cooked rice mixed with some boiled chicken can be great to fix an upset stomach.
Rice can be fed every day, but you must maintain a balanced meal with all the necessary nutrients in it.
Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
If you are wanting to feed potatoes or sweet potatoes to your pooch, they must be peeled and cooked thoroughly before feeding.
They can also eat mashed potato if there have been no seasonings or anything extra added.
A small amount of bread will not harm your dog. In fact, bread can be useful to some dog’s diets. It can soothe an upset stomach if your dog has IBS or any other problem relating to an upset stomach.
Bread can also relieve constipation because of the fibre in the bread. However, bear in mind that too much bread can lead to weight gain.
Who doesn’t love watching a film in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn? Your dog can join in with you and enjoy popcorn too!
If you are feeding your dog popcorn, it must be plain air popped popcorn with no butter or other toppings on them. Also make sure there are no un-popped kernels.
As much as cheese can make a very yummy and tasty snack, it is high in salt and fat. If you like to give your dog some cheese, choose the lower-fat unflavoured cheeses to limit how many calories your dog is eating.
Limit how much cheese you are feeding and only give it to your dog as an occasional treat or reward.
Greek Yogurt
Providing your dog is not lactose intolerant, Greek Yogurt can be a good treat for them due to the calcium and protein content.
It can also be used as a probiotic to help with their digestive system.
Hopefully, once you have read this, you have a good understanding on the treats you’re able to share with your furry four-legged best friend.
Just remember, everything that you feed, should be in moderation and take into consideration the size of your dog and their daily calorie requirements.
If you over feedthem, this could cause further health issues!